Friday, October 24, 2014

CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH ATTACKED:"Muslim Extremists Kill 31 Christians in Taraba State, Nigeria" | Terrorism | World - Right Side News

"Two pastors, one pastor's son, and 28 other Christians
were slain in the attacks in the villages of Gindin Waya
and Sondi, said the Rev. Caleb Ahema, president of the
Christian Reformed Church of Christ in Nigeria. Ahema
said the onslaught was the seventh attack on Christian
communities in Wukari Local Government Area since

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

10/10 not 10/11, African Lady Gave Me Plastic Rosary Beads

AFRICAN LADY gave me a cheap set of plastic rosary beads at st. catherine laboure church...didn't need or want them..but she insisted...& I wasn't sure what to make of it..was this her subtle way of being condescending towards me...thinking "the poor American man"...she never saw me before at this church so she assumes I've never been to church before...ha ha..ive been to this church numerous times...I haven't see her either..but i didn't assume she's never been there..what concerns me is that some people use the "facade of evangelism" to create a if the church is a 'pyramid scheme"...and that getting a new recruit or convert is getting somebody to join the ladder beneath you...maybe making you feel a little more powerful or higher on the scale...but the CHURCH IS NOT A PYRAMID SCHEME ! We will not be good or "successful" evangelists if we think we are better than those we are trying to lead to Christ...because we are NOT BETTER...maybe even WORSE?! IRONIC YES, but being saved does not immediately make us BETTER persons...although it should over time make us better..but sometimes false evangelists enter into the church because they think it is a pyramid scheme..a ladder to climb..beware of such persons..IN CHRIST WE ARE co-equals..and should be treating each other as such respectfully...let's hope & pray she was sincere, albeit mistaken in approaching me as a new recruit, somebody who needed a set of cheap plastic rosary beads to become a better or true Christian or Catholic.

INTERESTING: "Kirk Cameron on Halloween: 'Christians Should Have the Biggest Party on the Block'"

"..."Early on, Christians would dress up in costumes as
the devil, ghosts, goblins and witches precisely to make
the point that those things were defeated and
overthrown by the resurrected Jesus Christ," Cameron
continued. "The costumes poke fun at the fact that the
devil and other evils were publicly humiliated by Christ
at His resurrection. That's what the Scriptures say, that
He publicly humiliated the devil when He triumphed
over power and principality and put them under his
feet. Over time you get some pagans who want to go
this is our day, high holy day of Satanic church, that
this is all about death, but Christians have always..."

Sunday, October 19, 2014


 re "easter joy"
by joanna fuchs

@ st brigid san diego bulletin: re "posture biomechanics"

fascinating...would like to learn more about it

Fwd: 10/17/10 re installation of rev raymond sacca, cathedral parish of Christ the Light, oakland

 four years ago
re installation of rev raymond sacca, cathedral parish of Christ the Light, oakland

billy graham crusade

re billy graham crusade,
rose bowl

6/28/09 corpus christi church bulletin, new york city

corpus christi church bulletin, new york city

shame on the miramar store near the air show gate (october 2014)

so I went to the Miramar Air Show ...always a great big show there..and all the military men & women help out with traffic and screening etc..and they are exceptionally polite and nice ...but at the miramar convenience store where there's a subway & taco bell etc..where I bought a 99 cent arizona green tea & a cliff bar... it's a different story..almost every time I went in there I felt as if they were spying on if they thought I was a shoplifter..they always say "Will that be all for you" with emphasis when they want you to know they are trying to marginalize you as a shoplifter...le me be MORE CLEAR...there are those who are "social engineering" and they may be very well aware that you are NOT a shoplifter, nor have any such propensity as such, but they want to 'MOLD' you into the category to marginalize you..and "shape shift" ...that was what I felt was happening at this little story at miramar ...thanks to "'associate" SSGT" et al...

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Saturday, October 4, 2014

10/3/14 links to my miramar air show slideshow videos

as powerful & awesome are our military planes & tanks & fighters, HOW MUCH MORE AWESOME is the POWER & LOVE
"That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God…" Ephesians 3.17-19